Tuesday, March 2, 2010

For my Life Saver.

I have the most amazing person in my life with a problem. It's not an everyday problem which, over time, will somehow resolve itself. It's a problem that she has come to me about pleading for an answer almost everyday for nearly a year now. It's a known fact that we regard each others opinions very highly and habit to pursue them. My problem is that I don't feel I can make this decision for her.

I don't even know if you can refer to this as a problem as it will effect her entire future as it involves her career. We have grown up aspiring to our parents careers and a school that pushes us for a career that involves money, money, money and status. She feels that this career won't be labeled as this. Yet she needs to know that -

“This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.”

~Susan Polis Schutz 

This is what I want to tell her. This is what I want her actually to believe. I don't want her to look back in 20 years time when she is hidden under files and files of documents and four kids on her mind and wish she decided to pursue her passion. I need her to realize that what ever she chooses to pursue in her promising future I know she will be successful, but that doesn't mean anything. 

 She must wake up each morning and look forward to that day. she must strive to be better. 
Because what ever she chooses to pursue she must love.

This fabulous girl I am talking about wants to be a photographer. 
And this is her even more fabulous work - http://www.thoseblissmoments.blogspot.com/

Even if she doesn't pursue this in her future, I want her to know whatever she decides to aspire to, I will support it.

If this is not reason enough, i don't know what will be 
Sara White Photography said...
Beautiful shots. There is not one that i do not adore. You have some amazing talent, girl. I hope you pursue it..


  1. You're just too beautiful, it's almost painful.

  2. Wow! You two must be really good friends! You both write such deep thoughts! I wish I could do that!
